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注冊日期 : 2023-04-18
Why Do My Farts Smell So Bad?" - The Causes and Solutions of Foul-Smelling Flatulence.
周二 4月 18, 2023 5:10 pm
As unpleasant as it may be, it is normal for farts to have an odor, you sometimes wonder why do my farts smell so bad. The gas released from farts is a mixture of several gases, including nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and small amounts of sulfur-containing compounds, which are responsible for the distinctive smell.
Certain foods, such as beans, broccoli, and dairy products, can increase the likelihood of producing smelly farts. Gut bacteria also play a role in the odor of farts.
Certain foods, such as beans, broccoli, and dairy products, can increase the likelihood of producing smelly farts. Gut bacteria also play a role in the odor of farts.
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