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British prime minister nomination process opens after Liz Truss cracks the tap Empty British prime minister nomination process opens after Liz Truss cracks the tap

周六 10月 29, 2022 1:28 pm
British prime minister nomination process opens after Liz Truss cracks the tap VT4lF8

Mrs Liz Truss, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom while announcing his resignationเว็บเล่นสล็อตIn front of a house at 10 Downing Street in London, England, October 20 (Reuters)
Source: Daily Matichon
Published October 22, 2022

British prime minister nomination process opens after Liz Truss cracks the tap
The resignation of British Prime Minister Liz Truss from the Conservative Party (Tauri) after just 45 days in office is responsible for a mistake in making his own policies that are "shaky" rather than "belief-building." confidence” to the economic system of that country has paved the way for the process of recruiting a new Conservative Party leader. which will also automatically become the new Prime Minister of England It is clear that the recruitment process will be completed as quickly as one week from now. to accelerate the end of the crisis of confidence in the Conservative Party government quickly and without further damage to the country's economy

Nominate candidates to enter the ring
The different stages of the recruitment process It started with an open nomination for the conservative party leader and the new prime minister. This has now begun and will close at 2pm UK time on Monday 24 October.

In order to enter the arena for the chairman of the Tauri Party this time. There are rules that require candidates to gather support from members of the House of Representatives or members of the Tauri Party. To get at least 100 votes, which is higher than when fighting for the chairman of the party during Mrs. Truss. that requires only 20 voices to support

While the Tory Party currently has The total number of MPs in parliament is 357, resulting in only three candidates who can be nominated for the competition.

Vote before announcing the winner, Oct. 28
However, if on this coming Monday There was only one candidate who garnered support from Tory Party MPs up to 100 votes, according to the criteria. That candidate will become the new party leader and will become the new British prime minister. without having to compete in the next round

But if there are more than one applicant who gathers support from The Tory Party MPs had enough to reach 100 votes, according to the rules, it would be open. All Tory Party MPs cast their ballots on the same day from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. local time. In the event that there are 2 contestants, a poll will be held on who is supported by. More MPs in the party

In the event of three candidates coming through, the one who received the least support in the Tory party's vote will be eliminated from the competition. The results will be announced at 18:00 on the same day. A poll will then be held for the remaining two candidates at 6:30-8:30 PM, and the results will be announced at 9 PM.

If at the end of the vote there are still two candidates, i.e. no one withdraws from the contest after the poll, which is an indicator of the level of support from MPs within the party The next step is to go to the next step: the entire Tory party nationwide will decide who will win. through online voting

The winner will be announced on Friday, October 28.

Auto Prime
whoever is the winner will become the new leader of the Conservative Party with a number The most MPs in the British Parliament After that it will be graciously pleased by King Charles III, Head of the British Royal Family. to be the leader in establishing a new government During that time, the new leader of the Conservative Party will be graciously appointed as the country's new prime minister.

The noise of new elections?
Amid calls from the opposition party to hold new elections after the truss announced its resignation claiming that the Conservative Party has no legitimacy in running the country further. According to the BBC news agency, There will be no automatic general elections once a new prime minister from the Tauri Party is appointed. If the new prime minister decides not to announce early elections The next British general election will not take place. until January 2025 at the latest

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